JSF/PrimeFaces – Access remoteCommand’s from DOM Listener

I am having an issue using remoteCommands with a JavaScript DOM Listener. I have a listener defined like so on a JSF page:

    $(document).keydown(function(e) {

And a remote command defined like so:

<p:remoteCommand name="onEnter" action="{primeView.onEnter(iter)}" style="display: none;"/>

For what its worth, the remoteCommand is within a p:dataTable with var=iter. I’ve also tried adding process="@form" and immediate="true", with no change.

When pressing any key on the page, the JavaScript listener is called, but the following error is output:

Uncaught ReferenceError: onEnter is not defined

I’m assuming this is because DOM listeners have a different scope that normal native JavaScript. So, how can I access the remoteCommand from within a listener?