ObservableHQ: How to give buttons in a cell click events

Is there a way I could get the buttons in this cell to have their click functionality?

Right now this cell just returns the buttons (in div.button-group) but their click functionality isn’t working.

buildLegendButtons = {
    let i = parseInt($(this).attr('index'));
      i = i-1;
      if (i === 0) {

    let i = parseInt($(this).attr('index'));
      i = i+1;
      if (i === insights.length-1) { 

  return html`
    <div class='button-group' style='padding-left: 15px'>
      <button class='horizontal-buttons deactive prev' index='0'><</button>
      <button class='horizontal-buttons active next' index='0'>></button>