chart js doesn’t work properly on mobile devices

on my project im using chart js bar graph and line graph for data visualization from mysql database using php and javascript , both works perfect but when i try to open it on mobile device
only the line graph doesn’t work properly .
I cant see the line and also i see only 2 axis.
I tried to change mantainAspectRatio and responsive options .
I also tried to add resize-observer-polyfill.
nothing works
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this??

js file:

function myFunction() {
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var type = [];
  var gain = [];
  var range = [];
  var dates =[];
  var gains = [];
  var gains2=[];
  range=getDates(new Date(data2[data2.length-1].TargetStart), new Date(data2[data2.length-1].TargetEnd))
for(var i in data2) {
    type.push("raise type: "+data2[i].type);
    gain.push( data2[i].SellPrice- (data2[i].amount* data2[i].BuyPrice) );
    dates.push(new Date(data2[i].EndDate));
var x= [];
  for(let i=0;i<data2.length;i++) {  
        for (var j in range){
  for (var j in range){
    //  if(range[3]<range[j])break;
      var culgain=0;
    for(var i in x) {    
    gains.push({x:range[j] , y:culgain});
    for (var j in gains){
var he=data2[data2.length-1].Aname+': רווחי גיוסים צפויים';
    var he2=data2[data2.length-1].Aname+':רווחי גיוסים';
const data = {
    datasets: [{
        label: he,
        data: gains,
        backgroundColor: "rgba(59, 89, 152, 0.75)",
        borderColor: "rgba(59, 89, 152, 1)",
        pointHoverBackgroundColor: "rgba(59, 89, 152, 1)",
        pointHoverBorderColor: "rgba(59, 89, 152, 1)",
        tension: 0.1,
        borderWidth: 1
        label: he2,
        data: gains2,
        backgroundColor: "rgba(211, 72, 54, 0.75)",
        borderColor: "rgba(211, 72, 54, 1)",
        pointHoverBackgroundColor: "rgba(211, 72, 54, 1)",
        pointHoverBorderColor: "rgba(211, 72, 54, 1)",
        tension: 0.3,
        borderWidth: 3
const config = {
    type: 'line',
    options :{

        scales : {
            x : {
                type : 'time' ,
                time : {
                    unit : 'week'
            y :{
            //beginAtZero: true
            suggestedMin: 0,
            suggestedMax: data2[data2.length-1].Target
let el = document.getElementById("mycanvas");
    //If it isn't "undefined" and it isn't "null", then it exists.
if(typeof(el) != 'undefined' && el != null){

el = document.getElementById("myTableHead");
    //If it isn't "undefined" and it isn't "null", then it exists.
if(typeof(el) != 'undefined' && el != null){

let table = document.createElement('canvas');"mycanvas";

    // Adding the entire table to the body tag

var ctx = document.getElementById("mycanvas");
const myChart = new Chart(ctx,config); } };"GET", "raisegraph.php", true);




on computer

on computer

on safari

on safari