Power BI Embedded : Cant doCross Filtering selecting multiple rows on a table visual pressing CTRL

Hello I have the following problem:

We have embedded different visuals from a PBIX file onto a asp.net core razor view.

We have achieved that when a user clicks on a row in a table visual, detect the item and corssfilter the other embedded visuals as the user clicks.

On the Power BI environment you can do the same, but by pressing the CTRL key, you can select multiple rows and then it will filter the whole visuals on that page.

As we achieved the crossfiltering selecting just one we thought it would do the same by pressing CTRL, the problem is that PowerBI Embedded visual is not detecting the CTRL key and it is not actually detecting that we are selecting more than one row and it changes the whole filters to the first selected row.

We are detecting via JS the CTRL key

enter image description here

After we click in more than one row or item, the event is lost and we can’t get the list that the user was selecting:

enter image description here