How do I configure parcel to exit build with an error if eslint does not validate

I’m building a react app with parcel. I have an eslint config set up that I like, and use VSCode tools to catch eslint errors and fix them as I code. The app builds correctly as of now. So all that is fine.

However, as an added precaution, I would like to set up parcel to run eslint, using my config, and to halt the build process and output an error when I havent followed the eslint rules, either when running dev server or building for production.

I’m aware of this npm package from googling, but the package doesnt have a readme, and i can’t find setup instructions in the parcel docs:

For reference I am using parcel 1.12.3 but would be open to changing to parcel 2.x.x if that is neccesary.
