How is this made? It’s Javascript or some Elementor Plugin?

Hell guys. I have a task with my university class. My task is to do a wordpress site with “my own” customizations.

I already finished the task, on the good way i hope. But i’m trying to make something that my other teammates can’t do, the customization tasks. Recentry i saw a website: cryptonoticias . com and then go some random post, now open the dev console, they have a div which is kinda interesting. if you go on this website and seach on dev console the div: “class=”cri_shortcode” you will see something like a affiliate site. I have experience with elementor and wordpress ( 4/10 score skill to be honest )m but i don’t know how is this made. I want to put on my project website something like this but with recipes, my university project is about cooking website. So in this div they are 4 colums and if you let the mouse hover it show a small popup. Does anybody know how is this possible? it’s not look like a plugin is some js scrip maybe?

Thanks for help guys 🙂