I’m trying to delete an user, but the problem is that I’m trying to do that by taking the user id from the req.body in the database, I have the following logic in the redux actions and I think here is a problem with the order of the params:
export const deleteUser = (userId) => async (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch({ type: USER_DELETE_REQUEST, payload: userId });
const {
userSignin: { userInfo },
} = getState();
try {
const { data } = await Axios.delete(
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${userInfo.token}` },
dispatch({ type: USER_DELETE_SUCCESS, payload: data });
} catch (error) {
const message =
error.response && error.response.data.message
? error.response.data.message
: error.message;
dispatch({ type: USER_DELETE_FAIL, payload: message });
When I’m doing console logging the req.body in the backend is empty, what can I do?