angularjs async issue. how to load data from another component

I have to use “set timeout” to get the data from the parent component, so I can load it onto the page before the

I wish to replace this with a promise or async function. But I can’t seem to get the syntax right.

Here is the code:

  component('tableFreetext', {
    templateUrl: _formPath+'/fwc-form/components/table-freetext.template.html',
    bindings: {
      model: '=',
    controller: function TableFreetextController() {
      var self = this;
      this.$onInit = function() {
          self.newValue = self.model.dataRowsPlaceholder;

I wish to replace:

  self.newValue = self.model.dataRowsPlaceholder;

With something like

var myPromise = new Promise().then()......

Basically wait until the data has been loaded from the parent function so it can be displayed on the page. Right now the page loads before the data.