i want to make an alert that have timer in it,
the alert will show this message:
Please wait to process data 3 second..
Please wait to process data 2 second..
Please wait to process data 1 second..
and if the timer is done, the text will change to
Succesfully process data..
I tried this one
function countdown() {
var seconds = 3;
function tick() {
var counter = document.getElementById("counter");
counter.innerHTML = "Please wait to process data " + String(seconds)+ " Second";
if( seconds > 0 ) {
setTimeout(tick, 1000);
} else {
alert("Succesfully process data");
<div id="results"></div>
<button id="stop">Stop</button>
but this code will show the timer in div not in alert, i tried to edit to make it show in alert but still can not figure it out, can you guys help me?
i really need your help thankyou