Im working with the MapBox API and I want to customize the ‘UserLocate’ button such that it not only gives the current location but also sorts locations from the user. Here’s the current code of user locate.
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(position => {
user_lat = position.coords.latitude;
user_long = position.coords.longitude;
Currently I am only able to sort distance when I use the search box in MapBox. I am changing the longitude and latitude of the searched location of event object to current user’s longitude and latitude. From there I just use the methods availible on the doc
geocoder.on('result', (event) => {
/* Get the coordinate of the search result */
const searchResult = event.result.geometry;
userLoc = searchResult;
userLoc["coordinates"][0] = user_long;
userLoc["coordinates"][1] = user_lat;
// use userLoc to sort distances of stores
I dont get the event object on pressing the getCurrentPosition() so I can’t the same thing. How do I do that?