if statement in the save props > return field?

is it possible to write a if statement in the return() from the save props in react?

Because when i write down a if statement i only see the code at the front-end.

So the following is happening:

I created a Selectcontrol:


              label={ __( 'Press ctrl to multiple stars:' ) }
              value={ testimonial.selectcontrol } // e.g: value = [ 'a', 'c' ]
              onChange={ (value) => handleTestimonialChange('selectcontrol', value, index ) }
              options={ [
                  { value: null, label: 'Select a Star', disabled: false },
                  { value: 'star' ,  label: 'Add 1 star' },
                  { value: 'star2', label: 'Add 2 stars' },
                  { value: 'star3', label: 'Add 3 stars' },
                  { value: 'star4', label: 'Add 4 stars' },
                  { value: 'star5', label: 'Add 5 stars' },
              ] }

I render it with the following code to have stars in the back-end:

selectcontrolDisplay = props.attributes.testimonial.map( ( testimonial, index ) => {
          if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star') {
            return  (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span> : testimonial.selectcontrol;
          } else if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star2') {
            return  (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star2') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span> : testimonial.selectcontrol;
          } else if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star3') {
            return  (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star3') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span> : testimonial.selectcontrol;
          } else if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star4') {
            return  (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star4') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span>: testimonial.selectcontrol;
          } else if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star5') {
            return  (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star5') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span> : testimonial.selectcontrol;
        } );

In the editor part i have the following part:

{selectcontrolDisplay && selectcontrolDisplay.map((selectcontrolValue, i) =>
                  <div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-ratings">
                    <div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-rating">

So above is working correctly, but the hardest part for me is to get the result at the front-end.

So i thought i could make it work with a if statement. But i only see the code at the front-end and not the result with only stars. Could some on give me advice how to make this work?

save: ( props ) => {
const {attributes: { selectcontrol } } = props;

return (

html code.....

if (selectcontrol == 'star') {
                      <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span>
                    } else if (selectcontrol == 'star2') {
                      <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span>
                    } else if (selectcontrol == 'star3') {
                      <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span>
                    } else if (selectcontrol == 'star4') {
                      <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span>
                    } else if (selectcontrol == 'star5') {
                      <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span>



For a better overview:

save: ( props ) => {
    const {attributes: { title } } = props;
    const {attributes: { subtitle } } = props;
    const {attributes: { media} } = props;
    const {attributes: { testimonial } } = props;
    const {attributes: { selectcontrol } } = props;

    return (
      <section className="testimonial">
          <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/kenwheeler/[email protected]/slick/slick.min.js"></script>
        <div className="container testimonial__container">
          <div className="row testimonial__row">
            <div className="testimonial__info">
              <div className="testimonial__subtext">
                <span>{ subtitle }</span>
              <div className="testimonial__title">
                <h2>{ title }</h2>
            <div className="items testimonial__testimonials">
              {testimonial.map((field, i) => (
              <div className="testimonial__testimonial">
                <div className="testimonial__card" key={ i }>
                  <div className="testimonial__image">
                    <img src={field.media.url} />
                  <div className="testimonial__review">
                    if (selectcontrol == 'star') {
                      <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span>
                    } else if (selectcontrol == 'star2') {
                      <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span>
                    } else if (selectcontrol == 'star3') {
                      <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span>
                    } else if (selectcontrol == 'star4') {
                      <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span>
                    } else if (selectcontrol == 'star5') {
                      <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span>
                  <div className="testimonial__stars">

                  <div className="testimonial__author">
                    <div className="testimonial__name">
                      <span>{ field.author }</span>
                    <div className="testimonial__function">
                      <span>{ field.position }</span>