I’m trying to make a Graphic EQ using web audio and the goal is build a function that
calculates an array of fixed center frequency’s using a band count (a.k.a number) as input.
In other words it generates an array for fixed center frequencies.
function calcBands(bands) {
// Since there are different graphic EQ's they usually around 6 - 31 bands
// but professionally it's normally 31 bands
// band parameter needs to be a number between 6 and 31
//insert code here:
const freqs = new Array(bands);
return freqs;
function buildFilters(bands) {
let centers = calcBands(bands);
let filters = [];
for (let i = 0; i < bands; i++) {
let filter = context.createBiquadFilter();
filter.type = "peaking";
filter.frequency.value = centers[i];
filter.Q.value = Math.SQRT1_2;
if (i > 0) {
filters[i - 1].connect(filter);
return filters;
The thing is I tried doing some research and I found out that there are ISO standards and other things, but I just can’t do the maths of it.
All I can understand from this is that:
- This is calculated using octave bands either 1 or 1/3, etc in base 2
- Graphic EQ’s usually have 6 to 31 bands
- Middle C (a.k.a A4) equals to 440Hz
- Nyquist Frequency is sampleRate / 2
Can anyone please help me?
Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong