I am trying to move a HTML element (a puzzle piece) back to its original position on the screen after a dragEnd event, if the element is not inside a specified target zone.
I using a javascript object to represent the puzzle piece. The object contains the starting x and y for the element as well as a reference to the element itself (along with some other information). The code is below.
function dragEnd(e) {
if(selectedPiece.ele.id === "correctPiece" && selectedPiece.distanceVector < 30){
window.alert("Game End");
console.log("returning piece: ", selectedPiece.ele.id);
console.log("to point ", selectedPiece.startX, selectedPiece.startY);
selectedPiece.ele.style.position = "absolute";
selectedPiece.ele.style.left = selectedPiece.startX;
selectedPiece.ele.style.top = selectedPiece.startY;
active = false;
Still when I drop the piece it stays wherever it was dropped.
When I look at the console it shows the element id and identifies the correct startX and startY properties. I have also tried appending “px” to the startX and startY with no luck.
Any help appreciated thanks 🙂