mailto link using computed property not loading full message body

The mailto link is properly loading the recipients and subject but it seems to cut off the email body as a very short length. My email is a total of 1500 characters, so I am below the mailto limit. The email seems to be cutting off the body around 200 characters.

I am attaching a computed property to the mailto string because I am using a package called “marked.js” which parses user input to markdown/html.

How do I go about fixing this issue? I have tried setting a new data property as “emailFormat” and on page mount the email body is run through the marked package and then set as a data property. I assumed this would fix the issue because now I am just attaching a string to the mailto body, but this has not worked and i still end up with an incomplete email body.

computed property that takes in the api response data and runs through the marked package

letterContentToHtml() {
                if (this.formData.letterContent != null) {
                    return marked(this.formData.letterContent); // marked is package to parse user input to markdown/html. 
                else {
                    return null;

template section that displays the content and a button that includes the mailto href

<p class="email-content-data" v-html="letterContentToHtml"></p>
<v-btn class="send-form-btn"
            :disabled="!campaignFormValid || this.emailRecepients == ''"
                Send Email!

mailto computed property

mailToString() {
                return "mailto:"+this.formData.emailList+"?subject="+this.formData.subject+"&body="+this.emailContent;