Passing data up through nested functions in .js

Coding beginner here. I’ve got a page-js script below which when a dropdown is changed it triggers function getDrawNumOne, which in turn runs a function and retrieves two pieces of data from a GoogleSheet (drawNumReturnOne[0] & [1]). I want to pass the returned drawNumReturnOne[1] up through getDrawOneNum and then on into doStuff for use there – but am struggling on how to do this in a slick way, given I cannot call variables outside of their function scope. Do I need multiple returns up through the function stack or is there another, better way? All advice gratefully accepted, thanks.

function doStuff(){    
   var userInfo ={};
   userInfo.m_p1 = document.getElementById("m_p1").value;
   userInfo.m_s1 = ######;;
function getDrawNumOne(){
var drawNumOne = document.getElementById("m_p1").value;; 
function updateDrawNumOne(drawNumReturnOne){
   document.getElementById("draw1").value = drawNumReturnOne[0];
   ###### = drawNumReturnOne[1];