Javascript not executed when go back to previous page, behaves differently between local and live on githubpage, edge and chrome

Please check out this GithubPage where I try to recreate an issue I had.

When you click the first button, it will create a paragraph, append it to a localstorage item and display it.

When you click the second button, it will first clear the localstorage, then redirect to another page.

Now if you click the browser back button from page2, you go back to index.html, but the paragraphs are still there. If you check the localstorage, the paragraphs are deleted, as they should, but they still display as if the js script didn’t execute when coming back to the index.html.

I have this problem with chrome and Firefox, but edge behaves as I expected(coming back to index.html, no paragraphs displayed). Everything was also working as expected when I test it on local live server even with chrome. But not right on a GitHub page. Does Js script run again when visiting a page through browser’s back button? I thought so, but can someone explain what’s going on here? Thanks.

Here is the script

const addPEle = document.querySelector(".addP");
const clearPEle = document.querySelector(".clearP");
const contentEle = document.querySelector(".content");

addPEle.addEventListener("click", () => {
  const curContent = localStorage.getItem("content") || "";
  localStorage.setItem("content", `${curContent}<p>This is a paragraph.</p>`);

clearPEle.addEventListener("click", () => {
  localStorage.setItem("content", "");
  location.href = "page2.html";
  // displayContent();

function displayContent() {
  contentEle.innerHTML = "";
  const content = localStorage.getItem("content") || "There is no paragraph.";
  contentEle.innerHTML = content;
  console.log("from displayContent function");
  console.log(`content: ${content}`);
  console.log(`localStorage: ${localStorage.getItem("content")}`);
