Image URL not getting redirect to port 8000 of Django while working with React

I am working on a project where backend is Django Rest Framework and frontend is React. I have a Product Screen where I have Product details listed down. In Product Screen I first fetch product object from Redux store and then use that product to render details and also image of the product from the URL.

Fetching product object from Redux store:

const productDetails = useSelector((state) => state.productDetails);
const { error, loading, product } = productDetails;

Image Tag:

<Image src={product.image} alt={} fluid />

I have setup a setupProxy.js file where I set the target port 8000.


const { createProxyMiddleware } = require("http-proxy-middleware");

module.exports = function (app) {
      target: "",
      changeOrigin: true,

But when I have image uploaded from Django Admin Panel the image url in Product Screen turns out to be:


instead of:


How can I fix this issue?