Is there a way to assign multiple values of objects using a loop in Java?

The question requires us to create two objects of the Student class and have 5 variables. The variables will be assigned a value each through user input.
I was wondering if there is any way to use a loop or anything else to take the user inputs from there instead of writing each variable individually using the dot operator.
Here is the code:

    public class Main{

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner input = new Scanner(;
        Student student1 = new Student();
        Student student2 = new Student();

        //Input for student 1 = input.nextLine();
        student1.gender =;
        student1.cgpa = input.nextDouble();
        student1.roll[0] = input.nextInt();
        student1.age = input.nextInt();

        //Input for student 2 = input.nextLine();
        student2.gender =;
        student2.cgpa = input.nextDouble();
        student2.roll[0] = input.nextInt();
        student2.age = input.nextInt();


class Student{
    String name;
    char gender;
    double cgpa;
    int[] roll;
    int age;