How to remove any text inside parentheses in a text node in a dynamically created iframe list called in a Bootstrap modal?

So I have a bootstrap modal that calls a .html file in an iframe (my .html file on the same domain) that always produces a different result which is what I need. However the contents generated in the list always creates a text node inside each li of the list containing text wrapped in parentheses. I want to keep all the text that is not inside the parentheses, but remove ANY text that appears inside parentheses ().

So my modal is called here:

<div class="modal-body"><iframe id="researchiframe" name="display-frame" style="width:100%;height:600px;"></iframe></div>

Then it loads my .html file into the iframe and displays the information I want in a list.

<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-8 offset-lg-3" id="research_result">
<h4 id="research_result_title">Details</h4>

<ul id="research_result_details" style="padding:0px">
// text I want to remove appears in here //

The list that it generates comes out like this…

<li><h5 class="title" style="display:inline-block;">My Title</h5>:These are the results I want to keep (Theses are the results I want to remove)</li>

So inside the li it creates text that I want to keep, and also text inside (parentheses) I want to remove.

Any help with this is greatly appreciated.