GraphQL error adding chinese charactor in Gatsbyjs

I’m new Gatsbyjs.
I use this template

I have question about changing gatsby-node.js file and file.

Actually I asked before and Mr.Ferran Buireu helped me. so I could success to change some text and photos.

“gatsby develop” can’t run After adjusting image data

Currently I’m adjusting around LINE 16 of file
text: > I would like to change this sentence.

    - image: /img/coffee.png
      text: >
        日本語を入力したい I would like to change this sentence.

I use Japanese sentence and Chinese characters. When I save the file then run gatsby develop Many error show up such as below.

There was an error in your GraphQL query:
Field “image” must not have a selection since type “String” has no

but I can see http://localhost:8000/ but with this error message.
And sentence are not changing.
enter image description here

I know there are problem but I tried to deploy at Netlify the sentence are changed.

I searched solution and tried that gatsby-node.js file non changing save(type space save and delete it and save again).

And restart gatsby develop but it doesn’t work.

Could someone teach me solution please?