Trying to get event data to work with countdown

Trying to get an if statement based on data from a form submission to work with a countdown. I’m not getting any errors but this obviously isn’t working, it never redirects after the countdown no matter if I select yes or no. I’ve used wiki urls because I haven’t set up the 2 actual calendar urls yet. I realize this may have been a completely incorrect way to even attempt this, but I’m not well versed in java at all. Any and all help is appreciated.

   // Total seconds to wait
    var seconds = 10;
        function countdown() {
        seconds = seconds - 1;
        if (seconds < 0) {
            window.addEventListener('message', event => {
  if( === 'hsFormCallback' && === 'onFormSubmit') {

    for (item in {
      if ([item]["name"] == "would_you_like_to_schedule_a_device_demo_") {

        if ([item]["value"] == "Yes") {
          window.location = "";
      if ([item]["value"] == "No") {
          window.location = "";

        } else {
            // Update remaining seconds
            document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = seconds;
            // Count down using javascript
            window.setTimeout("countdown()", 1000);
    // Run countdown function