Javascript – Drop Down not showing all selections

First, I am a rookie with JavaScript. So, in SharePoint using a web part, the drop down for D Jobs will not show all select-able items. It appears to only show 100 select-able items, but is needs to show all 150 items in the drop down. I’m not sure why. Any help would be appreciated. Here is the script.

<script type="text/javascript"

<script type="text/javascript"

<script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).ready(function() {
            var cascadeArray = new Array();
                  parentFormField: "Shop", //Display name on form of field from
parent list
                  childList: "D Jobs", //List name of child list
                  childLookupField: "Title", //Internal field name in Child List
used in lookup
                  childFormField: "D Job", //Display name on form of the child
                  parentFieldInChildList: "Shop0", //Internal field name in Child
List of the parent field
                  firstOptionText: "(Filtered by Shop)", dropDownItemCount:"999"
//Number of Items to Display on dropdown to remove 100 item limitation

