Quill JS buttons not loading when served through node js

The quill js works when hosted in a single HTML Page, but when if used with node js like this :

app.post(“/send_email”, attachmentUpload, (req, res) => {
if (!req.file) {

    return res.send("Error uploading file");
  } else {
    const recipient = req.body.email;
    const subject = req.body.subject;
    const message = req.body.message;
    const attachmentPath = req.file;
  console.log("recipient:", recipient);
    console.log("subject:", subject);
    console.log("message:", message);
    console.log("attachmentPath:", attachmentPath);
    return res.redirect("/success.html");


I get fairly rendered quill js. Pic attached.

If have encountered a similar problem before kindly help. As u may have guessed, I am a newbie.