Passing data from a child component to a parent component (React)

I have a child component that has some states which change in value when you check or un-check some boxes; I want to be able to pass those state values to the parent component. I’ve tried a few things on the internet but nothing seem to work.

I’ve tried to (Parent Component File):

const ParentComponent = () => {

     const [ data, setData ] = useState();

     const childToParent = (childData) => {

          <Child childToParent={childToParent} />

and on the Child Component:

const ChildComponent = ({ childToParent }) => {

     const [ childData, setChildData ] = useState(false);

     const handleChange = () => {

               <Checkbox value={childData} callback{() => handleChange()} />

Basically the problem is I dont get how to move data from a child component to a parent component.