Struggling with this js Codewars challenge

I am learning js and struggling with a problem I encountered on Codewars.

I need to calculate how many numbers containing only binary digits exist between 1 and a random number n. For example, if n is 20, there are 3 such numbers: 1, 10, 11;

I have written a solution that works on codepen but Codewars is telling me it is too inefficient to be accepted. I can’t think of anything else I can do to optimize it. Thank you in advance for your help!

function incompleteVirus(n) {
  let countInMemory = 0;
  let isBinary = true;

  // Loop through all numbers below and including n
  for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) { 

    let strCurrNum = String(i); 

    // Iterate through all digits in the current number
    for (const digit of strCurrNum) {
      let numDigit = Number(digit);
      // Check if each digit is binary; if not, exit loop
      if (numDigit > 1) {
        isBinary = false;
      } else {
        isBinary = true;

    // Update memory count
    if (isBinary) {
      countInMemory += 1;
  return countInMemory