Iterative implementation of Binary Search

please i have a question about the Iterative implementation of Binary Search

This is the function i create in c:

int BinarySearch(int arr[], int l, int r, int x)
  while(l <=  r) {
      int mid = l + (r - l) / 2;
      if(arr[mid] == x)
          return mid;
      if(arr[mid] > x)
          r = mid - 1;
          l = mid + 1;
  return -1;

This is my main function :

int main()
    int arr[] = {1,2,3,5,16,15,20};
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    int x = 16;
    int result = BinarySearch(arr, 0, n-1, x);
    (result == -1)
        // WE CALL THIS ternary operator.
        ? printf("Element is not present in array")
        : printf("Element is present at index %d", result);
    return 0;

The question is: when i search 16 the function return -1.
If you see the number 16 is on the list any help please ??