RavenDB can’t perform search with AND operator on nodejs

How can I perform a search with ‘AND’ operator via RavenDB?

Based on the docs it’s written that I need to add the operator enum (“AND” “OR”) as the third parameter of the search function.

From some reason the AND operator does not work and it gives me OR results by default.


Users collection:

users/1-A: {
    firstName: 'Joe',
    lastName: 'Allen'

users/2-A: {
    firstName: 'Joe',
    lastName: 'Biden'

The call to raven:

session.query({ collection: 'Users' })
.search('firstName', 'Joe', 'AND') // search with AND operator
.search('lastName', 'Biden')

The call above returns back both documents.
What should be the appropriate syntax for that?
