Mapping (modifying) a deeply nested structure of arrays and objects

I have a deeply nested array (list) of objects. Each object has an array, that can be empty or can contain another object. I need to map through them and output a result that will represent a string made from the values of the names of each item.

The result should be ‘name 1, name 2, name 3’.

So far I have this and I am definitely not getting what I need:

const list = [
  {id: 1, Item: []},
  {id: 2, Item: [{name: 'name1'}]},
  {id: 3, Item: [{name: 'name2'}, {name: 'name3'}]},
  {id: 4, Item: []}

const getNames = (list) => {
  const list = [];
  _.forEach(list, (child) => {
  const filteredList = list.filter(value => JSON.stringify(value) !== '[]');
  const mappedList =, (el) => {
  return _.join(mappedList, ', ');

const result= getNames(list); 
//expected output: 'name 1, name 2, name 3' (string)

Any ideas?