ajax wp remote send form on submit

I am making a newsletter integration with external api , and it works fine but on submit my entire page redirects to admin post php , i have tried to use it without action and adding ajax script to footer but don’t exactly know how to use my wp_remote method to send data without refreshing or redirecting my page

    namespace SalesManago;
    if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
     * Class ZH_SalesmanagoNewsletter
     class ZH_SalesmanagoNewsletter extends ZH_Salesmanago {
        public function __construct() {
            add_shortcode( 'sm_newsletter', array($this, 'newsletter_form' ));
            add_action('admin_post_nopriv_newsletter', array($this, 'saveDataNewsletter'));
            add_action('admin_post_newsletter', array($this, 'saveDataNewsletter'));
        public function newsletter_form() {
            return "
                <div style='height: 300px; display: block; position: relative'></div>
                <form id='ajax-newsletter-form' action='". esc_url( admin_url('admin-post.php') ) . "' method='post'>
                    <label for='email'>Email</label>
                    <input type='email' name='email' id='email' required>
                    <input type='hidden' name='action' value='newsletter'>
                    <input type='submit' name='sm-submit' value='>'>
        public function prepareDefaultNewsletterData()
            $clientId = SALESMANAGO_CLIENTID;
            $apiKey = SALESMANAGO_APIKEY;
            $apiSecret = SALESMANAGO_APISECRET;
            $data = [
                'clientId' => $clientId,
                'apiKey' => $apiKey,
                'requestTime' => time(),
                'sha' => sha1($apiKey . $clientId . $apiSecret),
            return $data;
        public function parseNewsletterData(){
            $email = $_POST['email'];
            $set[0]['contact'] = array(
                'email' => $email,                
            return $set;
        public function saveDataNewsletter(){
            if (isset($_POST['sm-submit'])) {
            $set = $this->parseNewsletterData();
            $params = array(
                "upsertDetails" => $set,
                "owner" => SALESMANAGO_OWNER,
            $data = array_merge($this->prepareDefaultSalesData(), $params);
            $headers = [
                'Content-Type'  => 'application/json'
            $result = wp_remote_post( SALESMANAGO_ENDPOINT .'/api/contact/batchupsertv2',
                    'method' => 'POST',
                    'headers' => $headers,
                    'sslverify' => false,
                    'body' => json_encode($data)