Cannot create wavesurfer on click, how to fix this? on click get this error
[Deprecation] The ScriptProcessorNode is deprecated. Use AudioWorkletNode instead.
onClick(initAudioReview, e => {
prs = getParent(e.currentTarget, 1);
waveTrack = getElement('.wave-track', prs);
audioTrackSource = getAttribute(waveTrack, 'data-audio_source', true);
audioTrackContainer = getAttribute(waveTrack, 'data-audio_container', true);
wavesurfer = WaveSurfer.create({
container: audioTrackContainer,
waveColor: '#434242',
progressColor: '#34B249',
barWidth: 2,
barGap: 2,
height: 78,
barHeight: 1,
responsive: true,
hideScrollbar: true,
wavesurfer.onclick = function(e){
getElement('.wave-track__duration', prs).textContent = wavesurfer.getDuration();