Forestry + Gatsby Image – reference image from JSON files

I’m looking into using Forestry with Gatsby (and use gatsby-plugin-image to optimize the images), but I’m stuck on how to get it working and not sure if it’s even possible.

  1. The first approach I tried (not working with Gatsby Image) is:

The image path is set in JSON files (to make all page content editable) and the images are uploaded to the static/uploads folder because Forestry requires an absolute path for the images:


  "title": "Home",
  "hero_image": "../../uploads/hero_image.png",
  "hero_image_alt": "An image",

–> This approach will not make it queryable in GraphQL by Gatsby so I can only use it in a normal img tag:


import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from "gatsby"
const { allPagesJson } = useStaticQuery(
        allPagesJson {
          nodes {

const data = allPagesJson.nodes[0]
<img src={data.hero_image} alt={data.hero_image_alt} />
  1. Second approach I tried (queryable but still not working) is:

The images are uploaded to content/images and then a relative path is added in the JSON files:


  "title": "Home",
  "hero_image": "../images/hero_image.png",
  "hero_image_alt": "A picture"

–> This approach makes it queryable, so I’d think I can use it in the GatsbyImage component, but it always returns a 404 error:


import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from "gatsby"
import { GatsbyImage, getImage } from "gatsby-plugin-image"
const { allPagesJson } = useStaticQuery(
          nodes {
            hero_image {
              childImageSharp {
const data = allPagesJson.nodes[0]
const hero_image = getImage(data.hero_image)
<GatsbyImage image={hero_image} alt={data.hero_image_alt} />

This returns the error:
GET http://localhost:8000/static/130e6fa61e2ebe523785c187e562a5f8/61d51/hero_image.webp 404 (Not Found)

I’ve been struggling with this all afternoon and not sure what else I can try to get it working with Forestry.

My basic requirements are that I need to be able to make all page content editable (text/images) for users instead of only being able to create posts + optimize the images with GatsbyImage so if there’s a better way in general to make that happen I’m also all ears.