Hi so I’m trying to initialize a Telegram client API just like Telegraf API shows and I run into a problem when running it, and I can’t really figure out why it is happening.
const { Telegraf } = require('telegraf')
//Here is where the problem happens
const Telegram = require('telegraf/telegram')
const tBot = new Telegraf('5195445301:AAGg4j0cqq8Ox7yvRr3X_H2zM9ZsQLOnet0')
The thing is that I can create the bot and run functions for the replies for the messages but I want to make a function that calls the function:
This function executes over a function of the type Telegram initialized by this:
const telegram = new Telegram(token, [options])
And it cannot be executed by the Telegraf object which represents the bot. The error I am getting is the following(which happens when using the require on ‘telegraf/telegram’):
throw e;
Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: Package subpath ‘./telegram’ is not defined by “exports” in E:JSlaigDocumentsCodingTel2DTel2Dnode_modulestelegrafpackage.json