v8 – how to debug Map.prototype.set and OrderedHashTable?

I’m learning more about v8 internals as a hobby project. For this example, I’m trying to debug and understand how Javascript Map.prototype.set actually works under-the-hood.

I’m using v8 tag 9.9.99.

I first create a new Map object in:

V8 version 9.9.99
d8> x = new Map()
[object Map]
d8> x.set(10,-10)
[object Map]
d8> %DebugPrint(x)
DebugPrint: 0x346c0804ad25: [JSMap]
 - map: 0x346c08202771 <Map(HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> [FastProperties]
 - prototype: 0x346c081c592d <Object map = 0x346c08202799>
 - elements: 0x346c08002249 <FixedArray[0]> [HOLEY_ELEMENTS]
 - table: 0x346c0804ad35 <OrderedHashMap[17]>
 - properties: 0x346c08002249 <FixedArray[0]>
 - All own properties (excluding elements): {}

When I break out of d8 into gdb, I look into the table attribute

gef➤  job 0x346c0804ad35
0x346c0804ad35: [OrderedHashMap]
 - FixedArray length: 17
 - elements: 1
 - deleted: 0
 - buckets: 2
 - capacity: 4
 - buckets: {
          0: -1
          1: 0
 - elements: {
          0: 10 -> -10

Poking around the v8 source, I find what I think to be the code related to OrderedHashTable and OrderedHashMap in src/objects/ordered-hash-table.cc. Specifically, line 368:

MaybeHandle<OrderedHashMap> OrderedHashMap::Add(Isolate* isolate,
                                            Handle<OrderedHashMap> table,
                                            Handle<Object> key,
                                            Handle<Object> value) {

After reading the code, my assumption is that OrderedHashMap::Add() will get triggered when you do Map.Prototype.Set (i.e., adding a new element). So I set a breakpoint here in and continue

gef➤  b v8::internal::OrderedHashMap::Add(v8::internal::Isolate*, 
v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>)
Breakpoint 1 at 0x557eb3b491e4
gef➤  c

I then attempt to set a new element, but the breakpoint does not trigger

d8> x.set(11,-11)
[object Map]

Breaking out into gdb again, it appears the element has been added

gef➤  job 0x346c0804ad35
0x346c0804ad35: [OrderedHashMap]
 - FixedArray length: 17
 - elements: 2
 - deleted: 0
 - buckets: 2
 - capacity: 4
 - buckets: {
              0: 1
              1: 0
 - elements: {
              0: 10 -> -10
              1: 11 -> -11

Do I have the breakpoint set up in the wrong spot? And if so, would anyone have any recommendations for efficiently finding the JS equivalents in v8?