Log click event on html link using Amplitude SDK

I’m trying to log an event when a <a> link is clicked before navigating to the final destination, this is what I have so far:

<a href="/account" data-event-type="select_account">My account</a>
document.querySelectorAll('a[data-event-type]').forEach(link => 
  link.addEventListener('click', function onLoggableActionClicked(ev) {

    window.location.href = link.href;

The event fires perfectly but the event doesn’t get logged, maybe because the request is ended when the browser is redirected?

I tried using a callback but waiting for it makes the navigation impossible:

function onLoggableActionClicked(ev) {

  amplitude.getInstance().logEvent(link.getAttribute('data-event-type'), null, function() { window.location.href = link.href });

How can I log events for outbound links?