Creating a schema with minified version of a type

How can I create a Prisma schema for mongoDb that contains sort of a minified version of another object?

To explain better the data I am working with could look something like this:

const basicUser = {
  id: "62091d9ae17cad32fbe0eda5",
  displayName: "John Smith",
const post = {
  title: "My Title",
  content: "My content",
  author: basicUser,

const user = {
    id: "62091d9ae17cad32fbe0eda5",
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Smith",
    displayName: "John Smith",
    emailAddress:"[email protected]"

I am not interested in creating relations as I just want to include this basic data and then to be able to look up the full user if I need to.