Vue Js get h2 tags with

There are h2 tags in the article. I’m aiming to use H2 tags as a table of contents.

Is there a way to get these tags because the H2 tags come within the article? I tried methods like Replace, substring, but I couldn’t get only the h2 tags.

The post content comes as json like this

"link": "",
"title": { "rendered": "This is a test blog post" },
"content": {
   "rendered": "n<h2><strong>This is a blog test thread</strong></h2>nnnn<p>This is a blog test content This is a blog test content This is a blog test content This is a blog test content This is a blog test content This is a blog test content</p>nnnn<h2><strong>this is a blog test thread 2</strong></h2>nnnn<p>This is a blog test content This is a blog test content....

 <div itemprop="articleBody" class="post-text" v-html="post.content.rendered" />

i get the data with v-html as post.content.rendered variable


This is a blog test thread

This is a blog test content This is a blog test content ….

As you can see, I couldn’t get these tags because the h2 tags are embedded in the article. Is there a way to get the H2 tags?