Using Tone.js to add filters to an existing audio stream

I was able to add filters to an existing audio stream using the biquadfilter but was interested in trying to use Tone.js instead. But I’m having issues connecting everything together. I keep getting a DomException when trying to connect the filter to an audioContext.

function addFilter(fq) {

    var audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext);
    var mediaElem = document.getElementById('myAudioElement');

    //Tone.context = audioCtx;

    const bqfilter = new Tone.Filter(fq, 'lowpass').toDestination();

    Tone.connect(bqfilter, audioCtx.destination);

The error message is just DomException when I try to connect or chain the filter to the audioCtx.destination. This seems to follow most of the other examples I’ve found online so I’m not sure why this is throwing an exception.