Filtering an object array with another array

I am having a filtering problem..

objArray is the array that needs to be filtered.
selectedNames is an array that contains the values that I want to find in objArray.
I need to fetch all objects that have one or more values from selectedNames in their “names” property (an array) .

The output I am trying to get is :

let result = [{names:["A","B","C","D"]},

Here is a simplified version of my code:

let objArray = [{names:["A","B","C","D"]},

let selectedNames = ["A","B"]

result = this.objArray .filter(obj => {
   return this.selectedNames.includes(obj.names)

My code seems to work fine if names attribute was a single value and not an array. But I can’t figure out how to make it work on an array.

Any help is more than welcome