I have an array of objects that look something like this;
value = [{id:1, count:50},{id:1, count:25}]
I need below three senario as below.
scenario :- 1
result1 = [
[ { id: 1, qty: 25 } ],
[ { id: 1, qty: 25 } ],
[ { id: 2, qty: 25 } ]
scenario:- 2
result2 = [ [ { id: 1, qty: 50 }, { id: 2, qty: 25 } ] ]
[ [ { id: 1, qty: 50 }, { id: 2, qty: 15 } ], [ { id: 2, qty: 10 }] ]
I have resolved scenario 1 and scenario 2, however getting logic issues in scenario 3.
please see below JS code
let temp = 0;
let arr = [];
let result = [];
let receive_list = [
{ id: 1, qty: 50 },
{ id: 2, qty: 25 },
const packing_weight = 65;
receive_list.forEach(item => {
let availableQty = item.qty;//50
while (availableQty > 0) {
if (availableQty > packing_weight) {
arr.push({ id: item.id, qty: packing_weight });
availableQty = availableQty - packing_weight; //25
temp += packing_weight;
else {
arr.push({ id: item.id, qty: availableQty });
temp += availableQty;
availableQty = 0;
if(temp === packing_weight){
temp = 0;
arr = [];
I need below result which I am getting empty array result = [] instead of below result [ [ { id: 1, qty: 50 }, { id: 2, qty: 15 } ], [ { id: 2, qty: 10 }] ]