Built-in Constructors and their Prototype —

The activity was to Log Array.prototype and Object.prototype to the console using only the arr variable and the proto property.

So these are the original code:

const arr = [1, 2, 3];

console.log(); // log the Array.prototype
console.log(); // log the Object.prototype

So What I did: I wrote on the first, console.log(arr.__proto__ === Array.prototype);
the second one is, console.log(arr.__proto__ === Object.prototype); but still not right.
It says that in the first log, the Array.prototype is the proto property of any array. the next one, the prototype property of Array.prototype refers to the object.prototype. I can’t figure it out what does it meant. I tried also writing like this: console.log(arr.__proto__ === Object.prototype); still not right. What am I missing here?