Why do I get a cors error when parsing an object

Hi I am currently working on an app that’s setting items in localStorage then later retrieve all items. When retrieving I am parsing the object to convert it from a stringified object to an object. On doing that I am getting this error,
Error: A cross-origin error was thrown. React doesn’t have access to the actual error object in development.

I tried to look for solutions but the one that’s suggested is to clear local storage but It’s a problem because I’ll have to do that each time I press my button. Is there a fix for this.

My code:

// This function gets all items from the local storage
  function getAll() {
    var values = [],
      keys = Object.keys(localStorage),
      i = keys.length;

    while (i--) {
    return values;

  const getMissions = getAll();
  // This variable stores the parsed value, ie, turning a stringified object back to an object value
  const { image, missionName } = JSON.parse(getMissions);

Thank you in advance