I’m trying to figure out a robust way to calculate the average of object properties in case there are too many to be specified explicitly by their name.
I found this nice gist that helps in case we have just a few properties:
const someData =
{ height: 176, weight: 87 },
{ height: 190, weight: 103 },
{ height: 180, weight: 98 }
// for height
var sumHeight = (prev, cur) => ({height: prev.height + cur.height});
var avgHeight = someData.reduce(sumHeight).height / someData.length;
console.log(avgHeight); // => gives 182
// for weight
var sumWeight = (prev, cur) => ({weight: prev.weight + cur.weight});
var avgWeight = someData.reduce(sumWeight).weight / someData.length;
console.log(avgWeight); // => gives 96
But this method is limited in terms of scaling if we have lots of properties, for example:
const someDataExtended =
{ height: 176, weight: 87, salary: 100000, age: 20, numOfCats: 2 },
{ height: 190, weight: 103, salary: 100050, age: 40, numOfCats: 0 },
{ height: 180, weight: 98, salary: 20345, age: 50, numOfCats: 1 }
How can I average across all properties without specifying them by name? Ideally, I’d like to map over someDataExtended
without mutating the initial data, but rather generate a summary such as:
const finalSummary = {
height: 182,
weight: 96,
salary: 73465,
numOfCats: 1