How to post an image using python requests? [duplicate]

So I am trying to make a post request to a certain website where the request’s data has an image, I looked at their source and they do the following:

they first ask you to input the image file using an input element

<input type="file" id="iconImageFile" accept="image/*" name="iconImageFile"/>

then they make a request and send the file

var r = new FormData;
r.append("iconImageFile", $("#iconImageFile")[0].files[0]),
    url: url,
    type: "POST",
    data: r,
    cache: !1,
    contentType: !1,
    processData: !1

My question is how would I be able to replicate such a request using python’s requests library? I already have all of the headers needed for verification, I am just confused on how I would send this image in the request.,data = {
    'iconImageFile' : open('icon.png', encoding="utf8", errors='ignore')

Any help would be appreciated 😀