Getting “undefined is not an object” on a validated array

I’m trying to access an array inside of an object that comes in a response:

getMatches().then((matches) =>{
let possibleDraws = []
console.log(typeof matches)
matches.forEach(match => {
console.log(possibleDraws)}).catch((err) =>{

console.log(matches) returns correctly an array with just one value for testing purposes:

awayForm: (4) ['L', 'D', 'W', 'D']
awayTeamID: 15994
awayTeamName: "Maritzburg United U23"
homeForm: (4) ['L', 'D', 'W', 'D']
homeTeamID: 15990
homeTeamName: "Chippa United U23"
leagueID: 734
matchID: 793855
season: 2021
[[Prototype]]: Object
length: 1
[[Prototype]]: Array(0)

However, when accessing match.homeForm, it returns “Undefined is not an object”, even when match.homeForm does exist (based on the last console.log) . I even mocked the response of getMatches() to the same array (original function calls an API and get the response as a promise) and it works perfectly fine, so I really have no idea what could be happening here.