I have a dynamic list that gets updated upon search. I’ve tried using no-filter
and :filter="v => v"
and such solutions.
Problem: sometimes the list gets updated, sometimes it doesn’t. If I search for tra
, it shows the list, but searching again for something else, it will show no data
. If I click on the x
icon to clear the input, it shows the list.
Debugging the Vue tools, I’ve seen that the items do get inserted into the dialog_payload.users
. Nevertheless, it’s an issue with the autocomplete
I’m searching for a way to force refresh the component.
Discord’s channel stated that it has something to do with Vue depth reactivity, but I’m already using splice & push to trigger it.
<v-autocomplete no-filter v-model="item_payload.item" class="selection-controls-padding" solo flat hide-details :background-color="$vuetify.theme.dark ? '#292929' : '#edeff0'"
label="Search by name, committee or role..." clearable hide-selected hide-no-data prepend-inner-icon="mdi-magnify" :search-input.sync="dialog_payload.search" append-outer-icon="mdi-cog"
@click:append-outer="openFilters()" ref="test" :items="dialog_payload.users" return-object item-id="id" @change="dialog_payload.search = ''" item-text="title" :loading="dialog_payload.loading_list">
<template v-slot:item="{index, item}">
<v-list-item-avatar color="grey" size="30">
<v-img v-if="item.profile_picture" :src="`${$Helper.files_paths.profile_pictures}${item.avatar}`"></v-img>
<v-icon v-else size="24" color="white">mdi-account-circle</v-icon>
"dialog_payload.search"(newValue) {
if (newValue && newValue !== "" && newValue.length > 1) {
let app = this
app.dialog_payload.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
app.dialog_payload.loading_list = true
}, 400);
"item_payload.item"(newValue) {
if (newValue) {
let app = this
app.dialog_payload.search = ""
let found = app.item_payload.users.some(item => (item.id === newValue.id))
if (!found) {
app.item_payload.item = null
app.dialog_payload.users = []
Inside getSuggestion
on then
let users = response.data.users
app.dialog_payload.loading_list = false