Cannot click or select span elements, after a canvas is focused in HTML – debugging?

I don’t often work with HTML these days, and I’m working with some JS libraries that manipulate canvas. I got done all that I needed – but I just realized, that

  • When the webpage starts, all text is selectable (titles, subtitles, notifications etc – basically all text in spans and divs)
  • Then, I typically click on the canvas and interact with it
  • But, if after clicking the canvas, I try to go to, say, the title span, and click on it to select – the text is not selectable anymore (and no text on the webpage is anymore, apart from text form inputs)

So, I tried looking into this, and found:

HTML input fields does not get focus when clicked

The root cause of the problem is disableSelection(). It is causing all the problems, but removing it is not a solution, as (at least in 2016 or slightly before), on touch-screen devices, you “have” to use this if you want to be able to move objects with jQuery.

So, disableSelection is apparently jQuery, but so far I have just used vanilla javascript in my project (I think, but some of the libraries I use might use jQuery).

Anyways, I thought – before I try to blindly copy/paste online code, in an attempt to restore selectability, – could I somehow confirm through the DOM inspector in the browser, that an element is selectable or not? Say, here is how my Firefox Inspector form Web Developer Tools looks like:

enter image description here

Is there something accessible in the Inspector, like a CSS property, to tell me if an object is selectable? If not, can I quickly run a JavaScript one-liner in the browser Console, and find out the selectability status of an element?