javascript countdown function multiplied after refresh

There is function called getTimeRemaining, which shows always 15 minutes in countdown in pop-up banner. Banner is injected to the website via JS SDK. Problem is, banner shows always multiplied numbers in countdown after refresh. I call the function in another function, but i dont know, why is javascript remembering first number even after refresh, when there is no session/localStorage. Can you help me? Whan can i do to prevent this?

   return (function insertBanner(data) {
insertBanner.inPreview = false;
insertBanner.sdk = window.exponea; = data;
insertBanner.html = "<div class="weblayer--box-countdown">n    <div class="inner">n        <button aria-label="Close" class="close">n            <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">n                <path d="M2.99867 13L12.998 3" stroke="rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>n                <path d="M12.9987 13L2.998 3" stroke="rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>n            </svg>n        </button>n        <h2 class="title">WINTER SALE</h2>n        <div class="countdown">n            <div class="time" style="display:none">n                <div class="number hours">00</div>n                <div class="unit">Hours</div>n            </div>n            <div class="time">n                <div class="number minutes">00</div>n                <div class="unit">Minutes</div>n            </div>n            <div class="time">n                <div class="number seconds">00</div>n                <div class="unit">Seconds</div>n            </div>n        </div>n        <h3 class="subtitle">Complete your order in 15 minutes and GET 15% OFF all eyewear.</h3>n        <div class="discount">n        t<p>use code: n        tt<span>GET15</span>n        t</p>n        t<button class="main-cta">COPY</button>n        </div>n        <p class="close-text">No, thank you, Iu2019d rather pay full price.</p>n    </div>n</div>"; = "@import url(";700;900&display=swap");n/*n * Jinja Params Start. Do not edit these values.n */nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn/*n * Jinja Params Endn */n.weblayer--box-countdown {n  display: flex;n  box-sizing: border-box;n  font-family: "Lato", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;n  font-size: 1rem;n  /* to prevent inheriting fs of element it's appended to */n  line-height: normal;n  text-decoration: inherit;n  cursor: default;n  position: fixed;n  z-index: 2147483000;n  /* close to the highest possible z-index */n  width: 540px;n  box-shadow: 0 0.25em 0.5em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);n  border-radius: 5px;n  margin: 10px;n  overflow: hidden;n  background-color: #194E48;n  padding: 20px 0px;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown * {n  box-sizing: border-box;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown.horizontal-left {n  left: 0;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown.horizontal-right {n  right: 0;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown.horizontal-center {n  left: 50%;n  transform: translateX(-50%);n}n.weblayer--box-countdown.vertical-top {n  top: 0;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown.vertical-bottom {n  bottom: 0;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown.vertical-center {n  top: 50%;n  transform: translateY(-50%);n}n.weblayer--box-countdown.vertical-center.horizontal-center {n  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);n}n.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner {n  flex-wrap: wrap;n  display: flex;n  width: 100%;n  flex-direction: column;n  align-items: center;n  justify-content: center;n  padding: 1.5em;n  text-align: center;n  position: relative;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner > .close {n  /* inherits fs of 1rem defined in base styles */n  font-size: inherit;n  line-height: 1px;n  /* resets browser styles for button */n  color: transparent;n  background-color: transparent;n  top: -20px;n  right: 0;n  padding: 0.5em;n  /* resets browser styles for button */n  border: 0;n  position: absolute;n  /* base class + 1 to prevent colliding of layers of clickable elements */n  z-index: 2147483001;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner > .close:hover {n  cursor: pointer;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner > .close:focus {n  outline: none;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner .title {ntfont-family: 'Lato';ntfont-style: normal;ntfont-weight: bold;ntfont-size: 38px;ntline-height: 23px;nttext-align: center;ntcolor: #55DAB1;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner .subtitle {ntfont-family: 'Lato';ntfont-style: normal;ntfont-weight: bold;ntfont-size: 16px;nttext-align: center;ntcolor: #FFFFFF;ntpadding: 0 20%;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner .countdown {n  display: flex;n  justify-content: space-around;n  width: 100%;n  margin: 1.5em 0;n  padding: 0 25%;n}n@supports (display: grid) {n  .weblayer--box-countdown > .inner .countdown {n    display: grid;n    grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(calc( 270px/3 - 3em), 1fr));n    grid-gap: 0.5em;n  }n}n.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner .countdown .time {n  n  font-family: Lato;n  n  background: #55DAB1;n  border-radius: 0;n  padding: 0.5em;n  color: #194E48;n  text-align: center;n  margin: 0 5pxn}n.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner .countdown .time .number {n  font-family: inherit;n  font-size: 50px;n  font-weight: 700;n  line-height: 1.3;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner .countdown .time .unit {n  font-family: inherit;n  font-size: 14px;n  font-weight: 400;n  line-height: 1.3;n  display: nonen}n.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner .btn {n  width: 100%;n  font-family: inherit;n  background: transparent;n  border: none;n  text-decoration: none;n  margin: 0;n  user-select: none;n  outline: none;n  color: #FFFFFF;n  background: #F84CAC;n  border-radius: 8px;n  cursor: pointer;n  n  font-family: Lato;n  n  font-size: 15px;n  font-weight: 900;n  line-height: 1.3;n  padding: 0.75em 1.5em;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner .btn:hover {n  filter: brightness(110%);n}n.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner .btn:focus {n  outline: none;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown .discount {n  width: 80%;n  background-color: #0D3C36;n  display: flex;n  flex-flow: row;n  font-family: 'Lato',sans-serif;n  justify-content: space-evenly;n  align-items: center;n  padding: 10px;n}nn.weblayer--box-countdown .discount p {n  font-style: normal;n  font-weight: normal;n  font-size: 16px;n  text-align: center;n  color: #fff;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown .discount span{n  color: #55DAB1;n}n.weblayer--box-countdown .discount .main-cta{n  width: 140px;n  height: 35px;n  background-color: #fff;n  border: none;n  cursor: pointer;n}nn.weblayer--box-countdown .close-text {ntcolor: #fff;nttext-decoration:underline;ntcursor: pointer;ntmargin-top: 20px;n}nn@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {nt.weblayer--box-countdown {nttwidth: 90%;nttmargin: 0;nt}nt.weblayer--box-countdown {nttflex-wrap: nowrap;tnt}nt.weblayer--box-countdown > .inner .countdown {nttdisplay: flex;nt}n}n";
insertBanner.script = function() { /**
 * Universal parameters
var PARAM_showAfter = parseInt("0", 10);
var PARAM_removeAfter = parseInt("0", 10);
var PARAM_trigger = "On entry";
var PARAM_parentElement = "body";
var PARAM_positionVertical = "Center";
var PARAM_positionHorizontal = "Center";
var PARAM_enterAnimation = "None";

 * Template specific parameters
//var d = new Date();
//var PARAM_countdownDate = d.setHours(24,0,0,0) / 1000;

if (PARAM_countdownDate === -1) {
    PARAM_countdownDate = +new Date() / 1000 + 3500;

 * Initialization
var self = this;

self.clockInterval = NaN;

// Helper Id used to identify the banner on the website, not actual ID of the banner
var bannerSemiId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(5);

// Used in onExit banners to mark if the banner was triggered already
window['__exp_triggered-' + bannerSemiId] = false;

// Resetting some of the parameters while previewing the banner in the app to easily see its appearance
if (self.inPreview) {
    // reset the show delay while editing the banner in editor
    PARAM_showAfter = 0;

    // always append the banner to the body itself
    PARAM_parentElement = 'body';

    // always show the banner right away
    PARAM_trigger = 'On entry';

 * Basic functions

 * Function used to register listener for the trigger that will display the banner
function registerStartTrigger() {
    if (PARAM_trigger === 'On exit') {
        document.body.addEventListener('mouseout', onExitMouseOutHandler);
    } else if (PARAM_trigger === 'On scroll') {
        window.addEventListener('scroll', scheduleShowBanner);
    } else {
        // If 'On entry' or anything unknown start the banner right away

 * This function starts the showAfter timer and then displays the banner
function scheduleShowBanner() {
    window.removeEventListener('scroll', scheduleShowBanner);

    setTimeout(function() {
        // Track show event after timer expired
        trackEvent('show', false);

        // Create and display the banner

        // If removeAfter is provided start the removal timer
        if (PARAM_removeAfter > 0) {
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, PARAM_removeAfter);
    }, PARAM_showAfter);

 * Function used to insert the banner contents into the HTML and adding basic functionality
function createBanner() {
    var placeholder = document.createElement('div');
    placeholder.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', self.html);

    // get the banner reference
    var banner = placeholder.firstElementChild;

    // add close functionality to the close button
    banner.querySelector('.close').onclick = handleCloseButtonClick;

    // add classes specifying banner position and animation
    banner.className += ' ' + getPositionAndAnimationClasses();

    // insert banner CSS into the website
    banner.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<style>' + + '</style>');

    // track clicking on <a> in the banner
    var links = banner.querySelectorAll('a');
    for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        trackLink(links[i], 'click', true);
    banner.querySelector(".main-cta").addEventListener("click", copy_function);
    banner.querySelector(".close-text").addEventListener("click", removeBanner);
    //var minutesToAdd=15;
    //var currentDate = new Date();
    //var dt1 = (new Date()).getTime();
    //var PARAM_countdownDate = dt1+900000;
    var PARAM_countdownDate = new Date((new Date().getTime()) + 15*60000);
    //elf.clockInterval = NaN;
    //self.clockInterval = 0;
    self.clockInterval = initializeClock(banner, PARAM_countdownDate);

function copy_function() {
    var copyText = document.querySelector(".weblayer--box-countdown .discount span");
    var textArea = document.createElement("textarea");
    textArea.value = copyText.textContent;

 * Function used to insert the banner HTML to the DOM
 * @param banner - html content of the banner
function attachBannerToDom(banner) {
    var parentElement = document.querySelector(PARAM_parentElement);

    parentElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', banner);
    self.banner = banner;

 * Creates banner in shadow dom
 * @param parentElement
function createBannerInShadowDom(banner, parentElement) {
    var shadowHost = document.createElement('div');
    shadowHost.innerHTML = getFontsImport();

    var shadowRoot = shadowHost.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
    parentElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', shadowHost);
    self.banner = shadowHost;

 * Function used to add fonts import to element
 * The font import does not work inside shadow DOM, it has to be declared outside
 * @returns string - style tag with fonts import
function getFontsImport() {
    var results = url(["'].+?['"])/g);
    return results && results.length ? '<style>' + results.join(';') + ';</style>' : '';

 * Function used to remove the banner from the website
function removeBanner() {
    if (self.banner && self.banner.parentNode) {

    if (!isNaN(self.clockInterval)) {
        self.clockInterval = NaN;

 * Function triggered when the closing button is clicked
 * @param event - browser click Event
 * @returns {boolean}
function handleCloseButtonClick(event) {
    trackEvent('close', true);

    // Stop the click event propagation onto parent HTML elements
    if (event.stopPropagation) {
    } else {
        event.cancelBubble = true;

    return false;

 * Function used to track single action
 * @param action - string
 * @param interactive - boolean
function trackEvent(action, interactive) {
    self.sdk.track('banner', getEventProperties(action, interactive));

 * Function used to add action tracking to element
 * @param link - element
 * @param action - string
 * @param interactive - boolean
function trackLink(link, action, interactive) {
    var eventData = getEventProperties(action, interactive); = link.href;
    self.sdk.trackLink(link, 'banner', eventData);

 * Default attributes tracked with every banner event
 * @param action - string
 * @param interactive - boolean
 * @returns object - object to be tracked
function getEventProperties(action, interactive) {
    return {
        action: action,
        interaction: interactive !== false,

 * Function used to start banners with onExit trigger
 * @param event - browser mouse event
function onExitMouseOutHandler(event) {
    event = event ? event : window.event;
    var vpWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
    if (event.clientX >= (vpWidth)) {
    if (event.clientY >= 50) {
    var from = event.relatedTarget || event.toElement;

    if (!from && !window['__exp_triggered-' + bannerSemiId]) {
        window['__exp_triggered-' + bannerSemiId] = true;

 * Function that returns correct class
function getPositionAndAnimationClasses() {
    var verticalClass = {
        Top: 'vertical-top',
        Center: 'vertical-center',
        Bottom: 'vertical-bottom',
    }[PARAM_positionVertical] || '';

    var horizontalClass = {
        Left: 'horizontal-left',
        Center: 'horizontal-center',
        Right: 'horizontal-right',
    }[PARAM_positionHorizontal] || '';

    var enterAnimationClass = {
        'Fade in': 'enter-fade',
        'Slide in': {
            Top: {
                Left: 'enter-slide-left',
                Center: 'enter-slide-up',
                Right: 'enter-slide-right',
            Center: {
                Left: 'enter-slide-left',
                Center: 'enter-slide-up',
                Right: 'enter-slide-right',
            Bottom: {
                Left: 'enter-slide-left',
                Center: 'enter-slide-down',
                Right: 'enter-slide-right',
    }[PARAM_enterAnimation] || '';

    return verticalClass + ' ' + horizontalClass + ' ' + enterAnimationClass;

 * Template specific functions

 * Returns the remaining time of the countdown
function getTimeRemaining(endtime) {
    var t = endtime - (new Date() / 1000);
    var seconds = Math.floor(t % 60);
    var minutes = Math.floor((t / 60) % 60);
    var hours = Math.floor((t / (60 * 60)) % 24);
    var days = Math.floor(t / (60 * 60 * 24));
    return {
        total: t,
        days: Math.max(days, 0),
        hours: Math.max(hours, 0),
        minutes: Math.max(minutes, 0),
        seconds: Math.max(seconds, 0),

 * Initializes the interval that updates the remaining time in the banner
function initializeClock(banner, endtime) {
    //var hoursSpan = banner.querySelector('.hours');
    var minutesSpan = banner.querySelector('.minutes');
    var secondsSpan = banner.querySelector('.seconds');
    function updateClock() {
        var t = getTimeRemaining(endtime);
        //hoursSpan.innerHTML = ('0' + (t.hours + 24 * t.days)).slice(-2);
        minutesSpan.innerHTML = ('0' + t.minutes).slice(-2);
        secondsSpan.innerHTML = ('0' + t.seconds).slice(-2);
        if ( <= 0 && self.inPreview !== true) {
    return setInterval(updateClock, 1000);

 * Register the start trigger and return required removal function

return {
    remove: removeBanner,
}; };
insertBanner.remove = ( || {} ).remove;
insertBanner.contextual_personalization = {};
return insertBanner;
})({"banner_group": "", "banner_id": "61f861078e99733a5b05d0cd", "banner_name": "AB - on-exit banner SK", "banner_type": "countdown", "variant_id": 0, "variant_name": "Variant A"});