Function validates all fields, even if they are empty/not active

So I am working on a pure Javascript validation and I have some questions about its performance of it. How it works, the function runs the validation function when a “blur” event happens, however, during debugging, I see that all 3 fields are being validated (or at least I think that is what happening) shown in the picture below:debugger info

So, now I am thinking, is there a way to adjust the code, so that when the “blur” event happens, only 1 field is being validated and invoked? Or am I misunderstanding the way it should work?

The validation code is here below:

const mailValidPattern = new RegExp(/^[w-]+@([w-]+.)+[w-]{2,4}$/);
const passValidPattern = new RegExp(/(?=.*d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}/);

function isValidLength(minAllowedLength, maxAllowedLength, inputElement) {
    return inputElement >= minAllowedLength && inputElement <= maxAllowedLength;

const formInputs = document.querySelectorAll(".form__input");

formInputs.forEach(inputElement => {
    inputElement.addEventListener("blur", e => {"form__input--error")".form__input-error-message").textContent = " ";
        const targetId =
        const validationMap = {
            signupEmail: () => {
                const targetValue =;
                const isValidEmail = targetValue.match(mailValidPattern);
                const emailValidationText = "Invalid email format!";
                const validLength = !isValidLength(6, 50,;
                !isValidEmail && validLength && inputErrorToggle(inputElement, emailValidationText)

            signupUsername: () => {
                const validLength = isValidLength(8, 50,;
                const userNameValidationText = "Username must be at least 8 characters!"
                !validLength && inputErrorToggle(, userNameValidationText)

            signupPassword: () => {
                const targetValue =;
                const isValidPassword = !!targetValue.match(passValidPattern);
                const passwordValidationText = "Password must be at least 8 characters, including 1 uppercase letter and a number!"
                !isValidPassword  && inputErrorToggle(inputElement, passwordValidationText)


If needed, I will provide the whole code in a codepen