how to get special character from string in nodejs and replace

how to find specific special character from string and replace it to unicode u0026 + = u002B

replace only these special character : [$, &, +, #]

example : “HELLO JAMES (WITH ME YOUR) n+++ SEE & FIELD 4-B +++

MY code

 var char = '+';      
          var saa =char.charCodeAt(0);
          var codeHex = saa.toString(16).toUpperCase();
          while (codeHex.length < 4) {
            codeHex = "0" + codeHex;
        var afteruni = name.replaceAll('+','\u'+codeHex) 

i want like this :

“HELLO JAMES (WITH ME YOUR) nu002Bu002Bu002B SEE u0026 FIELD 4-B

ERROR : Invalid regular expression: /+/: Nothing to repeat