Laravel DataTables Unexpected End of Input error when clicking a button to update record

I am facing an issue with some buttons in Laravel when using ajax to update a record using DataTables and ajax.

This is the Scripts within the blade file

    $(function() {

        var table=$('#roll-table').DataTable({
            autoWidth: false,
            processing: true,
            serverSide: true,
            stateSave: true,
            ajax: '{{ route('getCurrentRoll') }}',
            columns: [
                { data: 'action', name: 'action', orderable: false, searchable: false, "width": "25%"},
                { data: 'member.membership_number'},
                { data: 'member.first_name'},
                { data: 'member.last_name'},
                { data: 'rollstatus.status'},
                { data: 'account', render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number(',', '.', 2, '$')},

    function  updateStatus(id, status){
            url: '{{ route('updateStatus') }}',
            type: 'POST',
            data: {id: id, status: status},
            datatype: 'JSON',
            success: function(response){


This is the controller

  public function rollstatus(Request $request)
        $r = Roll::find($request->id);
        $points = Pointsmaster::where('Reason', '=', 'Attendance')->value('Value');
        $member = Roll::where('id', '=', $request->id)->value('member_id');
        $year = Carbon::parse(now())->year;
        $rollid = RollMapping::latest()->value('id');
        $status = $request->status;

        switch ($status) {
            // Define variables for member paying using account and check balance
            case 'V':

                // Check Account Balance and back out if account balance is too low
                if($r->member->Accounts->sum('amount') < 10)
                    Alert()->error("Error", "Insufficient Account Balance")->autoclose(1500);
                    return redirect(action('RollController@index'));

                $paid = 'Y';
                $title = 'Member Present';
                $message = 'Member paid using account balance';

                // Add Voucher use record
                $voucher = new Accounts();
                $voucher->member_id = $r->member_id;
                $voucher->Reason = 'Weekly Subs';
                $voucher->amount = -10;
                $voucher->user = Auth::user()->username;


            // Define variables for member who didn't pay
            case 'P':
                $paid = 'N';
                $title = "Member Present";
                $message = "Member has not paid";

            // Define variables for member who is online
            case 'O':
                $paid = 'N';
                $title = "Member Online";
                $message = "Member marked as present online";

            // Define variables for member who paid cash
            case 'C':
                $paid = "Y";
                $title = "Member Present";
                $message = "Member paid by Cash";

                Alert()->error("Error", "System Error has occured")->autoclose(1500);
                return redirect(action('RollController@index'));

        $r->status = $status;
        if($paid != 'N')
                $r->paidrollid = $rollid;

        if (config('global.Squadron_Points') != 'N')
            $p=new Points();
            $p->member_id = $member;
            $p->value = $points;
            $p->year = $year;
            $p->reason = "Squadron Night Attendance";

        alert()->success($title, $message)->autoclose(1500);
        return response()->json($request->id);

    public function getCurrentRoll(Request $request)
        $rollid = RollMapping::latest()->value('id');

        $roll = Roll::with(array('member' => function($q) {
            return $q->orderby('rank');
        ->where('roll_id', '=', $rollid)->orderby('status')
        ->with ('rollstatus')

        return DataTables::of($roll)

                ->addColumn('account', function($roll) {
                    return $roll->member->Accounts->sum('amount');

                ->addColumn('action', function($row){
                    $btn = '<a href="'.action('MembersController@show', $row->member_id).'" target="_blank" title="View" class="btn btn-round btn-info"><i class="fa fa-info"></i></a>';

                    if ($row->status == 'A')
                        $btn .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Paid Cash" class="btn btn-round btn-success"  onClick="updateStatus('.$row->id.', "C")><i class="fa fa-check"></i></a>';
                        $btn .= '<a href="'.action('RollController@rollstatus', [$row->id, 'P']).'" class="btn btn-round btn-danger" title="Not Paid"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>';
                        $btn .= '<a href="'.action('RollController@rollstatus', [$row->id, 'V']).'" class="btn btn-round btn-warning" title="Account Payment"><i class="fa fa-money"></i></a>';

                    return $btn;



     public function index_test()
        $rollid = RollMapping::latest()->value('id');
        $rolldate = RollMapping::latest()->value('roll_date');

        $members = Roll::with(array('member' => function($q) {
            return $q->orderby('rank');
        ->where('roll_id', '=', $rollid)->orderby('status')->get();

        $online = Settings::where('setting', 'Online Meetings')->value('value');

        return view('roll.index_test', compact('members', 'rolldate', 'rollid', 'online'));

rollstatus is the function I wish to call when updating the record
index_text loads the view
getCurrentRoll builds the DataTable

  • Please note I have only updated the first button when after checking the status
if ($row->status == 'A')
   $btn .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Paid Cash" class="btn btn-round btn-success"  onClick="updateStatus('.$row->id.', "C")><i class="fa fa-check"></i></a>';

Once this one is working I can update the others.

The issue I am facing is that when I click on the Paid Cash button, I get a
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input error in my console

What I am trying to do is pass the Row ID and “P” for paid into the controller
I have the following for my Route

Route::post('post/roll/updateStatus', 'RollController@rollstatus')->name('updateStatus');

I would like to know where I have gone wrong, also if I can have the record updated without refreshing the whole table (so if I have a searched filter, this remains but the record is updated)
